
Friday, January 20, 2012


'The U.S. De­part­ment of Justice shut down MegaUp­, one of the world’s largest file-shar­ing web­sites, on Thursday after char­ging the site and its ex­ec­ut­ives with vi­ol­a­tion of pir­acy and copy­right laws.'

'Hackers aligned with the global cyber-collective known as Anonymous have claimed responsibility for taking down at least six prominent websites, including those of the US Department of Justice and Universal Music Group, in retaliation for charges levied earlier Thursday against content-sharing site'

The title of this blog post summarises  what is happening now. A war.

This war does not only take place in the physical world which our feet stands on, LOL.

A war on the Internet. People express discontent by using 'violence' like hacking websites.

Internet, World Wide Web. What do they stand for?

Is it equals to Free Knowledge as coined by Wikipedia?

Or does it equate to Piracy and Copyright Infringement?  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parallel Paths

There is this chinese saying that, the fact that you can meet some people in life, it is because of fate.

Does this also apply to those people who you have not met. The 'faceless', 'nameless' people in the crowded street whom you walk past everyday. 

Is there a chance that one day, you will know this 'faceless' people?

What do you say to those people whom you know, but who have walked at a path parallel to yours all these while? 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Comic Sans

If I am correct, I have made the font of the posts in this blog set to Comic Sans. There reason I use it because it looks rather informal. Its not like NEAT, STRAIGHT, CLEAN CUT. You get the idea.

Its informal, no need to be so serious.

Its a blog. Its a not a document to used for presentation in school or at work. LOL

I don't find the need to hate this font.

There actually an entry in Know Your Meme about Comic Sans.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

At first I was like

Not Strong

I remember the first time I saw this video entitled 'Strong' by Rick Perry was because it was on the front page of YouTube. I can still remember I was like 'what?' after watching the video. I wonder why he would say whatever he say in the video. 

Especially the part where he goes 
'our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school. '

Is this really true in USA?

‎...But you dun need to be in school every day to know there is something wrong when programmers are nerds and students can't openly visit Urban Dictionary. I am not Rick Perry and I approve this blog entry